On Saturday, October 12th, we will turn the Koopgoot in Rotterdam into a fashion-driven block party while opening up a conversation about fast fashion within society.We curated an exciting selection of upcoming designers who will showcase their approach to sustainable design. In addition, there will be two panels in which experts, entrepreneurs and designers will discuss the current state of sustainable fashion and the Rotterdam fashion landscape. And, of course—in true La Cassette fashion—we will turn the Koopgoot into a smashing block party with exclusive performances from some true Rotterdam legends.
Make sure to come by and be a part of this unique experience!
Sound provided by
Pemzzi (@pemzzi)
Giaderza (@giiaaddeerrzzzaaa)
Operator Radio (
Nada van Dalen (@nadavandalen)
Miriam de Waard (@stillevenstore)
Pim Roggeveen (@wearstorenl)
Fashionshow provided by
Eva Marie Louise (@eva_marie_louise)
Sara Kreeft (@sara_kreeft)
Bent Lochtenberg (@ik.bent.tegendraads)
Malgorzata Vicente (@malgorzata.vicente)
Partners & Sponsors
Gemeente Rotterdam (@gemeenterotterdam)
Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week (@dutchsustainablefashionweek)
Operator Radio (
Wear (@wearstorenl)
Kumasi (@kumasi_drinks)
Kaapse Brouwers (@kaapsebrouwers)